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My name is Carmen, and this is Happiness on TAP

Embracing the Journey of Motherhood and Empowering Women Along the Way

I love the beautiful chaos of life. I believe that life is too short for us to be anything other than drunk on bliss, and because “happiness” is always on tap, we can drink up. We love family road trips and adventures to anywhere, we believe that marriage is meant to be fun, and that each meal is a flavor journey to be enjoyed.

My Passion?

It’s simple yet profound: to speak life and healing into the hearts of women. I believe that every woman carries within her a universe of strength, resilience, and untapped potential. Through my words, workshops, and community, I encourage women to rise, to heal, and to chase their wildest dreams. We are not “just” mothers or daughters or wives or survivors; we are goddesses—powerful, fierce, and unapologetically divine.

Divine femininity is my compass. I honor the cycles—the waxing and waning, the nurturing and releasing. I celebrate intuition, sisterhood, and the sacred feminine energy that flows through us all. I abide by intuitive eating and exercise, I prioritize peace and leisure, and I choose to keep my heart open and soft despite the risk of hurt.

Join my email list here and get access to all kinds of goodies! I look forward to connecting with you. XOXO Carmen

As a Twin Mom,

I’ve learned to juggle twice the giggles, twice the tantrums, and twice the love. My days are filled with matching onesies, double strollers, and whispered secrets between my two little miracle babies. Being a twin mom has brought me so much joy and filled my life up in ways I didn’t know I needed. You will find lots about my experiences of being a twin mom on here!

Cloth diapering and breastfeeding twins? Oh, you bet! It’s a dance of laundry loads, 3am feedings, and the sweet scent of baby hair. We celebrate the nourishing bond of breastfeeding, and believe in doing what is easiest, and so we cloth diaper about half the time and use disposables the other half. I openly discuss the highs and challenges of having twin infants, and offer advice where I can to new moms.

As a Girl Mom,

I revel in the magic of tea parties, glittery tutus, and bedtime stories. My daughters are my little warriors, teaching me about courage, kindness, and the power of imagination. Together, we navigate the world of princesses and superheroes, and agreeing to both dream about going to the beach together every night.

And Then There’s the Wild Ride of Being a Teenager Mom.

My oldest child is spreading his wings, testing boundaries, and discovering his own path. Late-night conversations about dreams, heartaches, and the universe fill our home. I’ve learned that parenting a teenager requires equal parts patience and understanding—plus a dash of humor. Maybe a bucket of humor.

I’m Also a Baseball Mom.

You’ll find me on the bleachers, cheering on my kids as they swing for the fences. Baseball games mean sun-kissed afternoons, grass stains on jeans, and the sweet smell of victory (or defeat). And let’s be honest, I’ve become quite the expert at packing snacks and deciphering baseball stats. You will often find me waxing on about how sports are like life and baseball is helping my son develop into a resilient and hardworking man.

But Wait, There’s More!

Amidst the chaos of motherhood, I run my own business. Entrepreneurship is my playground—a place where creativity meets strategy, and dreams turn into reality. Whether it’s designing, consulting, or managing spreadsheets, I thrive on the thrill of building something from scratch and I love taking people along the journey with me.

I ditched the corporate world of running a million dollar business after five years in the game, because I realized that the only people who were going to remember me staying late and missing dinner to grow someone else’s business was my husband and kids. Three miscarriages in a row was a painful wake up call, and when I got pregnant with the twins, I quit.

Now, I create both inspirational and practical content and resources for you! I fill my days by pouring and giving and caring for other people, and it fills me up with joy. My sincere hope is that you leave my site encouraged and empowered to do whatever fills your cup up.

So, Welcome to My Corner of the Universe.

Let’s sip herbal tea (and maybe a little whiskey), laugh until our bellies ache in a messy house, and dream big dreams. Because every woman deserves to know that she is a force of nature, a creator of magic, and a beacon of light.

Join me on this journey. Let’s inspire, heal, and rise up together. You were never meant to do this alone.

Drink up sister, happiness is always on tap.

xoxo Carmen

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