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Read this when you need to be reminded of your magic, a love letter to the divine women.

I hope you relinquish inhibitions and awaken ambitions. I hope you begin to see and feel yourself for the impactful and powerful woman that you are. As your body is set into motion, I hope you feel your own spirit giving love and positivity back to you and you begin to experience unchained freedoms.

You don’t need me to tell you that you’re a badass hell of a woman and nothing can stop you. You already know that you’re physically, mentally, and spiritually tough- and you CAN handle anything. You know that deep down this is true, because you have already overcome so many hard things.

I hope you begin to notice every sensation on your skin, taste every flavor on your palate, hear the music in every moment, and b r e a t h deeply. I hope you find sensation in your heart when it pounds just a little harder, that you allow your skin tingle against your own touch, and that you begin to let yourself f e e l everything deeply.

May you laugh, cry, shout, and just give yourself the space to… be. There is nothing you need to become; you already are. This is your time. Your season. Your moment.

You have divine feminine energy stored up in your bones; and that magic within you is primal and innate. I hope your senses awaken to a level like never before and your body is intoxicated by all of the sights, feels, smells, sounds and tastes this journey has to offer.

I hope when you pass by a mirror, you linger a little longer and get lost in your own eyes, even if it’s just for a moment. You have divinity stored up in your bones; the magic within you is primal and innate. Connect to HER and feel her power rise. I hope you begin to realize that you are BOTH power and grace, the waves that crash and the water that cleanses.

In the moments when you feel weak, remind yourself “I am strong.” In the moments when you feel scared, remind yourself “I am brave.” In the moments when you feel self-doubt, remind yourself “I am f**king magic.” When something feels a little hard or uncomfortable, lean into it and do it anyways. Feel it for everything that it is and know that you are strong enough to feel your way THRU it.

You are NOT defined what has happened to you (or what has not happened to you); you are NOT defined by what you have done (or what you have not done); you are NOT defined by the words that have been spoken over you or to you; and you are NOT defined by a past that no longer holds you captive.

You, woman, are a f**king goddess. She shows up in the ways you engage, connect, emote, move, and flow. I hope you’re reminded of your own magic every time a strand of hair brushes across your face or neck; every time you feel emotions rising in your chest; every damn time you see your reflection; every time your body proves her strength; and every time your spirit connects with another.

There is no room for doubt when you tap into that divine power within.

I hope you begin to see and feel yourself for the impactful and powerful woman that you are. You are the embodiment of strength and femininity, and you are perfect right now, just the way you are.

xoxo Carmen

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