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Are you expecting twins!? How exciting! A twin pregnancy! (And maybe scary…) I hope reading about my experiences and seeing my photos will help ease some of your anxieties about this pregnancy. It really helped my journey so much to read about other twin pregnancies, so I hope this helps you too.

If you are heading into your 3rd trimester with twins, CONGRATS! This is a huge milestone for you and the babies and I hope you feel some serious peace settling in that you made it this far.

Don’t forget to go read about our 1st Trimester and 2nd Trimester.

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The Only 17 Things You Actually Need to Survive the Infant Stage with Twins

26 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

By this point my hands and feet were so swollen that I couldn’t wear my wedding ring on my hand anymore, and I was barefoot as often as I could be. I was bigger and slower, and there is a noticeable wobble setting into my walk.

It’s not too early to start thinking about the finish line when you are pregnant with twins. You know that there is a chance your sweet babies will arrive early. Check out these other posts:

How to Pack a Hospital Labor Bag

5 Powerful Reminders for When You Are in Labor

How to be the Best Dad in the Hospital When You are Having a Baby

26 weeks pregnant with twins with my oldest son at the baseball park

27 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

I was having all the same uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms as I dealt with the whole pregnancy. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which I knew was a risk because I had two placentas instead of just one. This news made me incredibly emotional and really increased my anxiety levels.

The stress and anxiety about the financial strain and stress that was inevitable to adding two infants to our home was growing. We were taking into consideration if we should trade in our QX80 for a minivan; if it was more financially sound for me to stay home or pay for daycare; and how we can rearrange our finance plan so that we can continue to let our oldest play travel baseball.

I gave my 60 days notice the same day I found out I was having twins and left my full-time job of 5 years as Chief of Operations at a million-dollar business. (I didn’t leave because I was pregnant, but because something happened that confirmed it was time for me to leave). I was job hunting but having trouble finding someone to hire a very pregnant looking me. Plus, I was not sure how we were going to afford daycare for TWO infants in post-pandemic economy.

If you and your spouse have not already been talking about the financial side of twins, now is a good time to have that conversation. Some things we knew we were going to do to save money were:

  1. Cloth diapering. (I did it with all the kids, its not as scary or hard as you think)
  2. Exclusively breastfeeding (its hard in the beginning but then later is easier than prepping formula)
  3. Park the side by side for a while (cost of travel, fuel, entrance fees, tires, and repairs get expensive).
  4. Swap fancy out-to-eat foods when traveling for baseball to cheap fast food with coupons.
  5. Meal prepping, meal planning, and strategic grocery shopping. (This, when done correctly, is more time consuming but the savings are substantial).

28 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

155lbs | 42″ waist | 5’2″tall | 33yo

We go to the doctor bi-weekly now and see both the OB and the ultrasound tech. These long ultrasounds took about an hour and I had to lay on my back the whole time. That position had become so uncomfortable because the weight of my stomach caused extreme back and hip pain laying like this. It also increased my acid reflux and heartburn, made it difficult to breath, and regularly gave me a headache.

I got to where I was dreading these appointments, so I tried to focus on the positive and how neat it was getting to see the babies so often. It did always bring us peace and reassurance to see how well they were doing and measuring.

I had so much anxiety by this point. I was anxious about making sure the house was ready and clean for new babies. I was anxious about having to do Army stuff every day for the next few weeks, because I didn’t want to overwork my body. I was also nervous about being in boots all day when my feet and ankles were so swollen, not to mention getting them on and off by myself.

I was anxious about managing this Gestational Diabetes while not losing my mind or breaking the bank. (Making a separate meal for me and buying the types and brands of foods the nutritionist suggested was expensive and so much work). I was also anxious about our finances and just general logistics of going from a family of four to a family of six.

I fell down leaving a baseball tournament that weekend too, because my hip gave out under the weight. (My right labrum was torn before I got pregnant with the twins but was unable to be repaired before we got pregnant). Me and the babies were fine, I was just a little bruised and bloody on my knees. I quit walking long distance without someone with me, just in case.

29 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

158lbs | 43″ waist | 5’2″tall | 33yo

This was my first full week doing Army stuff (I am in the reserves and was trying to get my mandatory time done before the babies arrived). Symptoms this week were stronger than the past few weeks. I had morning sickness and Braxton Hicks contractions every day. One of the days at work I had contractions from 7a – 7p and almost thought I was going into labor, but they stopped once I got home and got in the bathtub to rest. I remember being so extra thirsty and extra cold.

29 weeks pregnant with twins; had to upgrade to a maternity uniform. It was so comfy, I should have upgraded sooner!

The weekly checkups with the OB office was mostly preventative. Twin pregnancies come with extra risks for both mom and babies, so my team wanted to make sure we were proactive and could catch any issues or warning signs before they became an issue.

Here are some of the things they were checking at the appointments:

  • Twin to twin transfusion.
  • Are there any abnormalities
  • Was blood pumping in and out from the heart
  • Are babies practice breathing
  • Are the babies moving around
  • Do the heart rates sound good
  • Is there plenty of flow from the placenta to the babies, or is it pinched or smushed from lack of room
  • Where is the placenta
  • Where are both babies? What position are they laying in?
  • Is there plenty of amniotic fluid present
  • Is one baby bigger than the other
  • Are all the organs present and working
  • Are the major bones all measuring correctly
  • What is the cervix length
30 weeks pregnant with twins at my baby shower with my sister who is also pregnant

30 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

165lbs | 45″ | 5’2″tall | 33yo

BIG growth spurt for the babies between this week and last. I am up 8lbs and two inches! Our baby shower was “double scoop ice cream” themed. We took time during the baby shower to honor our middle child, who was 8 years old and had been the “baby” for so long. We awarded her with a crown and announced she was being “promoted” to Big Sister.

The babies are growing and healthy and we are so thankful to make it to this milestone! 30 weeks with twins is worth celebrating! The babies are extra active when daddy is around, and the big kids are getting more and more excited about adding two babies to our home. We have been talking about baby names but did not have anything picked out just yet.

32 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

168lbs | 46″ waist | 5’2″tall | 33yo

I am big and tired. My irritability is at an all-time high. I am feeling so done with being pregnant, AND I still thankful that my body has made it this long carrying twins.

If you are feeling both of those things right now, that is normal and totally okay! Pregnancy is hard. Twin pregnancy is extra hard. You can feel that it is hard AND still feel thankful that you are growing a tiny life.

I had a labor scare this week while working a garage sale to raise money for the baseball team. We drove two hours to the hospital and called our OB. They administered fluids and medication to slow down preterm labor contractions. We were released from the hospital within 36 hours and put on partial bed rest.

I felt relieved that we weren’t in labor yet, because I knew the longer they could grow inside my belly, the better they would do earthside. I was also, admittedly, was a little disappointed, because physically I was worn out and emotionally, I was so ready to hold them!

Our bi-weekly scheduled checkups were moved up to weekly.

32 weeks pregnant with twins; celebrating my final day in uniform before parental leave and documenting the last pregnancy I’ll have in this uniform.

33 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

168lbs | 46″ waist | 5’2″tall | 33yo

No change in weight or waist circumference. I am big and tired and feeling all the symptoms. I nap a lot, and though I am on partial bedrest the babies were doing great. I was still allowed to go to baseball games, but I did as little walking and standing as possible.

Orange juice is still the most delicious thing on the planet and I am vividly dreaming of holding two babies at the same time.

33 weeks pregnant with twins; freezing my tail off at a baseball tournament. I am officially too large to button any jackets we own.

34 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

168lbs | 46″ | 5’2″tall | 33yo

I was the exact same weight and waist circumference that I was two weeks ago when I went to the ER with labor pains. I was still regularly having contractions for several hours a day, but nothing serious enough to progress into actual labor. I was SO TIRED by this point.

I felt like my stomach was so heavy that when I would turn, I could feel the belly move in slow motion following the rest of me! Every time I go anywhere, people can’t help but stare. (Which in retrospect was good practice for me to get used to, now that the twins are here people still be staring). Walking for any amount of time literally feels like a leg work out!

I tried to get a little sunshine every day. I don’t have much of an appetite anymore, and lately I just want to sleep. Being pregnant with twins is officially the hardest thing I have ever put my body through!

35 weeks pregnant with twins

35 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

164lbs | 47″ waist | 5’2″tall | 33yo

I am down 4lbs and up one inch on my waist. I was still regularly having contractions, but no significant effacement or dilation towards labor.

The comment I was getting the most from people by this time was “WOW! You’re huge!” To which I would force a smile, and say “Yes, I know.”

The nursery was pretty much ready to go. We had settled on a name for baby girl, but were still deliberating on a name for baby boy. I had a feeling I was just a matter of days away from delivery, so I was following my instincts to focus on rest and peace and self-care.

36 weeks pregnant. Please excuse the dirty mirror in the kids playroom haha!
36 weeks pregnant, just a few days before the twins were born.

36 Weeks Twin Pregnancy

162lbs | 47″ | 5’2″tall | 33yo

We went to our weekly check up with our OB in Tyler. I had lost weight for the 2nd week in a row, was still experiencing regular contractions with very little dilation, and had high blood pressure for the first time ever in my life. I was also not my chipper, positive, normal self.

During the ultrasound, they determined that the twins were no longer within that 20% range they needed to be on their estimated weight and size. My OB consulted with the other doctors on our case, and they decided it was in our best interest to induce, so she did a membrane sweep and we went straight from the appointment to the hospital to get checked in.

The twins were born first thing that next morning via vaginal delivery, with a breech extraction for baby #2, on May 19th, 2023 at 36 weeks gestation. Both babies were over 5lbs, we had no NICU time and minimal issues! We didn’t settle on names until day 4 in the hospital, and we got to go home on my birthday, May 24th.

What an immense blessing!


If you have made it anywhere inside your 3rd Trimester with twins, I am so happy for you! You should be proud and thankful to your body for doing the hardest thing it has ever done before.

Hang in there, Mama. You’re doing great.

xoxo Carmen

In case you missed it, go read about our 1st Trimester and 2nd Trimester!

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