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The truth about how to THRIVE: depravity is NOT the key to success.

Self-deprivation is rooted in fear. Life is too short to walk around neglecting opportunities for happiness. Focus on doing what makes YOU feel joyful or curious or inspired. Stop punishing yourself with all these things you’re refusing to let yourself feel and do for whatever reason.

I spent YEARS depriving myself of opportunities and experiences, because I was afraid of failure and I felt like I was not good enough, smart enough, fit enough, or worthy of IT. Maybe you have been there, or maybe you are feeling that way now.

person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds
Photo by Nina Uhlikova on

How to THRIVE in relationships

Relationships are the most important thing you can invest your time and energy in. Your relationship with your spouse, your kids, your parents, your inner circle, and yourself. Stop starving yourself of love in hopes that it will ward off [another] broken heart. Mend fences swiftly and remember that forgiveness is a superpower. Pour love out and let love in; It’s magical both ways.

Check out THIS BLOG POST to learn how to have a thriving marriage.

Beware of comparing yourself to who you USED to be, good or bad. That person is dead, so love her for who she was in that season (forgive her if necessary) and let go. Instead take inventory of who you are right now and how you must improve from here. THAT is how to Thrive in your personal relationship with yourself.

How to THRIVE in nutrition

Stop cutting out entire food groups, (unless you have been directed to do so by a doctor) does nothing for you. (Looking at you Keto diet, which is so popular right now). No matter what your health goals are, your body needs to be fueled by whole foods. Sure, be mindful about portions but eat good food every day … and enjoy the hell out of it! 

Gut expert Dr. Mahmoud A. Ghannoum cautions against such extreme restrictions. Here’s why:

  • Grains: Unless you have celiac disease, intolerance, or a wheat allergy, cutting out grains entirely may not be necessary. Whole grains like barley and brown rice can actually help reduce inflammation in the gut.
  • Dairy: Moderation is key. Dairy contains healthy proteins beneficial for the body. Unless you’re intolerant or allergic, there’s no need to eliminate it completely.
  • Legumes: Foods like chickpeas, black beans, and lentils are rich in fiber and linked to lower inflammation. While the Whole30 diet advises avoiding legumes due to phytates (an anti-nutrient), remember that phytates are also present in meat.

Instead of drastic exclusions, consider a less restrictive approach to reach your health goals. Good food fuels your body, and enjoying it is essential for overall well-being. So, savor that dessert and pair it with the protein you need! 

How to THRIVE in Adventure

Quench your famished soul thru travel and adventure. Don’t put it off till the “right time,” or to cross some milestone in your life. Go now. It doesn’t matter if it’s down the road, the next town over, across the state, to the coast, or the other side of the world; adventure awaits. 

Explore the world hand in hand. Climb mountains, chase sunsets, and collect memories. The best souvenirs are the shared experiences.

Go somewhere magical; somewhere you can be mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and transformed. Rather it’s far away or in your backyard, find a spot where gratitude overcomes you and open your heart. Then stand.

The world is filled with limitless opportunities to capture your imagination and wander. Go for quick and cheap or make it planned and extravagant; go for local or go for far away. We have found that it doesn’t matter where we go, what we do, or how long we can be gone; just that we go and do and be gone! 

Check out THIS BLOG POST about how to take your kids somewhere and not break the bank.

Celebrate your life right now, stop waiting to explore the world past work and home. Go somewhere you have never been and do all the things.

Cram in as much adventure as you can: do something you have never done, taste something you have never had, touch all the things you have never felt, take 1000 photos, fill your pockets with rocks and shells, read every historical sign, talk to all the people, get lost in the view, burn the sights and smells into your memory.

Life is for the living y’all, and it’s meant to be LIVED.

How to THRIVE in Dreams and Goals

Satiate your malnourished mind with knowledge. Read, watch, listen, observe, and engage; enlightenment and inspiration are at your fingertips. Expand your thoughts and opinions as you seek out new truths for yourself. BUT do not let that be an excuse for inaction.

I thought if I could be successful in my career first, that only then would be smart enough to start my own business. So, I waited. I thought if I spent more time educating myself and taking courses, eventually I would be confident enough to start. Instead, I was stuck taking no action, because we are never going to “arrive” at a fully educated level in any business.

Read about how to overcome self doubt HERE!

Dream BIG dreams, because you are worthy and magical and capable. Take a big gulp of “F*** It” and just go for it. Fast is better than slow, done is better than perfect, action is better than inaction, and learning as you go makes those lessons more sticky anyway!

You CAN and SHOULD seek out joy and satisfaction. Do things that make you  F  E  E  L  A  L  I  V  E. I promise you will crush those goals faster this route.

xoxo Carmen

PS. Want to get the inside scoop on what its REALLY like starting a blog? 10 days ago I woke up and decided I was tired of waiting and second guessing myself and being afraid of failure, so I launched a blog and wrote a couple posts within 24 hours. Sign up for this newsletter to get raw and honest updates on lessons learned and what’s working and what’s not working.

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